Bird of a feather

Before I was here there was the ground. Before I was here there were the animals. Before I was here there was water to feed the land to give life to the animals. From the trees fed by the waters we had a perch.

I have no clan, our people did not organize in that way. I journey was inner. It is long if you are lucky but rooted with reflection. I keep this post short today out of necessity but deep roots. Songs that give me company, that resonated with me at the time I needed them kept me alive with hope in the grasp of my hands.

As so many elders pass and youth alike that I am unable to turn a blind eye to. I was uplifted to hear old songs and see a man at the place our treaty was declared walk after much trouble with health. Be present and hug me to recognize my contribution to this world is deeply devoted.

As the smoke fills the air and impacts so many people it gave me paws to stop me in my tracks.

Look at the moon at this time and make new work that will move me forward.

A shape can mean anything to anyone and at any time. But when it sees you and takes you on, it changes you. Not unlike a song stuck in your head you hear but follows you. It can be good or bad.

Our people had to be militant at a time when I was born. Pushing back to see that the treaties written were upheld. I looked over that for a time until I sat with some who woke up those songs the kept me protected.

From connection to my roots I am moved to explore art and resistance with code.

Many languages I learned to get here, English, Japanese, Cocoa, Dreamweaver, Python.

All formed on backs of those leading to foundations that are simply aiming at the stars.

The songs that move this design and make is possible align with an understanding that I am moved by the foundation of what is a blink of an eye. But in every frame of that blink I can do my part. I reflect today on an idea that came from the Power of Now where a sentence written about time struck me.

If you ask an eagle in a tree, what time is it? The eagle would ask back what do you mean, the time is now.

Hello, World!

Hello, World!