Before Zen

the chaos of going into travel if there is that. It is.. That is the shortest sentient I know in our language I was forced to learn and it had an irony. My Native name ties too iron and my work of this subject had to do with the rails.

Long before visitors came here and I learned who I was by name. Somewhere in between I met this amazing woman. She was near my age and spoke with an amazing depth about the project and more importantly the people behind it.

The underssaaning and nuance of of relationship was vital to the project.

At pink point I, along with my language group called out the team on intention and reflection literately.

We were put at ease. I went there many nights and still do. This was a place I went to crossing tracks with my uncle who passed. I remember so many good songs and he’s the reason I include songs in every post. It’s to remind who ever takes time to read this far has a reward.

In reverse, I sat in his car most times waiting for a train to cross but I loved hearing every minute of Prince or, rival the Times. To this day I made a promise to my coolest uncle to not say his name.

So many years passed but I love him the same. The day my work was dedicated and we would sing songs again, I remember this one moment on the tracks where he turned the Prince down.

“you see those tracks boy”?

He asked me very clear

“I do uncle” in reply I gulped and didn’t know what was coming next, was he going to scold me? was hedging to do something bad?

He put his hands over mt head and shook me like a dog

“walk walk”, that is something your great auntie taught me but she doesn’t like me, but you know whaat?


I like your, and we gone make this car go son

sn eterinitt passes in my head but I remember wak wak.

Rails get hard and in those days I was fragile. He wasn’t patient but he did his best.

“boy be a man”

Walk the walk stand up be someone.!

he was a corrective officer in Puyallup. He understood very well what is was to make young men stand up but in a good way. “Life is gonna tread you and things are gonna be hard, but you gotta make yourself harder like the wheels of steel, you feel me”?

I never heard that term ‘you feel me’. That was new then and I was basically a lamb.

the train passed, he pat me on the head. He turned up the music and we laughed together again. I put my hand on his knee over the gear because I knew he would look after me and be my family.

When I was asked to do this work I had no idea the location and just jumped into 3d mode.

Despite all the hardship building up wish complications. My nephew, in passing of his grandfather, the one who was mentor to me not knowing, was able to give a land acknowledgment and call me by my Native name. Little did he know I broke the law and went into the third level to get 3d scans so I could ensure the ceremony would go as best it could.

On top of that were train schdeules but we made due.

All that said, I was able to share that beef story, my nephew opened the floor and we made good not unlike the time I waited on those very track.

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Hello, World!

only you know this walk, you were given this moment in time between us..