Only by Going Distance

It’s a challenge to pick up a path. I was fortunate to be called to mine early and have good mentors. Even so it was filled with challenge from the land that I was tasked to bring out old connections that were once outlawed.

Time we were called wild and needed taming. There are times we are all wild at time we are by nature we are reminded to be humble deep in the forest. That has been a value of our people of Puget Sound for many generations and continues to be so.

I mounted a panel in memory of a man who asked me to make the work 15yrs prior. He passed before the work was done but it is done and I can let rest the back of my mind I was holding for him for that time I held place. That place he believed in that I was never good at designing I felt hit like a Mack truck to challenge my design to make something I was not good at.

I met a man after it was up on the wall and in his misunderstanding he thought it took me over a decade to make. He laughed at me next to my brother and I let him tell his story. I held my patience and let him know, from the man I made this work for, he would take the time to listen even if I have a place to be, because that was what the work was about.

The room the Raven is in is for cigar smokers and I am happy to know it is a connection to something meaningful. I’d left behind some installation gear and went back to get it. Welcome by open arms to that room I didn’t understand as private.

I was given a cigar and a hug and it gave me a moment to embrace the idea holding on to such things can make a difference.

Raven 2023

I can’t lie that, in some way I felt like the young Bruce Wayne of Nolans batman series that will only make sense to the known.

I have no song for this work association of memory of someone I can’t speak for.