Long for want

A broken heart and need to resolve has nothing to to with breaking another heart.

head above waver

my sense of desperation is like a water

I can feel it in my bones where someone needs something they don’t know they have knot earned. Only my time can place me where I can give back to my auntie Judy and the moon under the mountain a resolve. A playlist of making when I can feel loved and be a place forever.

Not because we have lost things but the gain of endurance.

I took humility to carve a figure that had nothing to do with her, Ramona Bennett, my Grandmother but place that a needed to stand in place a thing that will someday fall, if not cared for. It was placed where a dance is held together from a time few will understand.

There is great sacrifice in what we do as artist to attempt many times over to make best what we can for of memory.

As I feel at times I reach my end. I surge of inspiration as we all do that is a place that can feel uncontaable.

We all go thru different journey but that said. I can share this now that it’s been many years looking back. This power figure from a cousin he never explained to me.

An owl can take you, no fear acceptance and like the way Black Panther I’d want an imagination. We can’t escape the place we call regalia. There is in our ways a cloth that wants to wear your being.

The way I can long for want of someone I imagine. only in right place of mind can I be there.

it is nothing if you are not that place.